2024 - very wet spring with slug damage

If sufficiently rooted, plant out beetroot, previously raised under cover, cover with fleece - left for a week
If sufficiently rooted, plant out lettuce previously raised under cover, cover with fleece - left for a week
'Pot on' three cabbages into 9cm pots.

Sow leeks if not done last week

Sow outdoor tomatoes

See the website articles on individual crops and instagram posts from previous years for detailed instructions


2024 - As the fleece has been removed, build frames for peas and broad beans.

Add woodchip to paths if there is a supply in the woodchip store.
Catch up and plot maintenance.
Leave until next few weeks - build frame for runner beans sometime over the next month or so.

Check on wooden stakes and string for supporting broad beans.

Check on hoop supports for brassicas