The forecast is for hot sunny weather so we aim to plant out what we can.

Plant out rest of cucurbits; they were potted on last week.

Plant outdoor tomatoes and stake firmly; tie to stake. Planted one with one to go next week - still need staking.

All crops have been sown apart from fennel which will be sown later.

We planted out some celeriac plugs and spare squash in the communal beds on Plot 251.

We pricked out some of the brassicas and letuce sown last week.  We have put them on the table outside the polytunnel.  More to do once they germinate.

Plot maintenance.

The direct sown runner beans are showing but we sowed some extras just in case.  The direct sown French beans are also showing; we have a tray in the polytunnel in case replacements are needed.

Check on blackfly and spray if necessary.