Jesse Collings Room Opening - April 2022
Veg Course Graduation
Beginners' Veg Course Graduation - October 2023
Join us for BBQs and other social events
Fresh air, exercise, healthy produce and good company
Enjoy home-grown flowers, fruit and vegetables
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Joy Simpson
One of the best things that I have done this year is to be part of the Vegetable Course. We have not only learnt how to grow vegetables but have also eaten a lot of cake, made scarecrows, eaten Jen's...
What a month it has been with two celebrations for us. The first relates to the Exmouth in Bloom It's Your Neighbourhood Award. The allotments received an 'Outstanding' for the Vegetable Course and th...
September marks a year on the wildlife plot. I can't quite believe it. I have to say it has been an absolute pleasure working on it and now that I know the garden a bit better, I am more able to see w...
The very last of my seeds that I have been waiting for are the leeks. They seem to have taken ages and there appears to be more than one way of producing new leeks.